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Season X is here, and the world is destabilising - FAST!

That's right, Fortnite has finally come to an end with Season X. This was a chaotic season of many ups and downs, so let's take a look back.


Here's the Season X minimap:

Season X's minimap started out with minimal changes, with the return of Dusty Depot (last seen Season 3), but throughout the season it got more and more crazy, with the new Tilted Town and Starry Suburbs, the first-ever collab POIs Gotham City and Pandora, along with the returning Retail Row, Moisty Palms and Greasy Grove. Oh, and there's the massive super-threatening Meteor hanging in the sky (that'll be important later).

Here's Season X's loot pool:

Season X doesn't add many new weapons, and the ones it does introduce aren't that interesting, such as the Automatic Sniper Rifle and the Batman items. However the new Shield Bubble is one of the most balanced items I've ever used, so there's that.


Season X's gameplay has been fun for us casuals but for the sweats it was hell. The new mech vehicle, the B.R.U.T.E., is insanely overpowered with explosives, a shotgun and a stomp ability built in - and it supports a full duo. I think for a lot of people it really ruined this season, but I kind of liked it.

Also new are Rift Zones, which changed up POIs every single week. Each rift zone has unique attributes. Some are fun like Tilted Town's no building, Gotham City's glider redeploy and Starry Suburbs' falling stars. Some are.. not so fun, such as Retail Row's zombies and Moisty Palms' prop disguises.


Season X has brought us a ton of exciting new cosmetics! This season has easily the best Battle Pass ever along with a lot of amazing item shop skins. Some highlights include Catalyst, Tilted Teknique, Dark Wildcard, Comic Book Batman and The Scientist.

There was actually quite a few crossover outfits this season, from the aforementioned Batman to the Borderlands crossover, and... well, that's it - but they brought a few skins themselves, so there.


Season X ended with The End, the biggest live event yet. We saw "The Seven" unite with seven rockets (in a homage to the Rocket Launch event back in Season 4) and use the Meteor to destroy the Zero Point, sucking the entire map into a black hole. This event was insane, and I'm genuinely amazed at how visually and audibly impressive it was.


Season X certainly had its strong points and weak points, but overall I really think it's been a solid conclusion to the game, and I'm happy that I've been here for the ride.


Of course, Fortnite makes too much money to be over. We're still just seeing the black hole, so let's just keep waiting until whatever happens next. Onwards and upwards.


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