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Fortnite Season 6 has come to a close. Twas quite good. I suppose.


Here's the Season 6 mini map:

Uhh, not much changed this time? There are the Cube's corrupted areas, and Loot Lake changed. Not really much else changed on the map, but I suppose that's to be expected after last season's huge changes.

Here's Season 6's loot pool:

Swing and a miss. I really don't like the Heavy Assault Rifle and the Six Shooter is really underwhelming. The one good new weapon is the Quad Launcher, and the epic and legendary variants of the Pump Shotgun are super satisfying to use. In terms of vaults and unvaults, not much of note but the removal of the Dual Pistols and Guided Missile is unfortunate.


Season 6 added Shadow Cubes, which turn you into a ghost. They're cool, but they were disabled for half the season so... lol. There was also Glider Re-deploy active for a few weeks, which a lot of people hated but I personally really enjoyed. It was fun to be able to quickly pull out your glider!

There was also Fortnitemares 2018, which had a ton of zombies (er, Cube Monsters,) spawn all over the map. I like the concept of bringing the PvE mode and BR together, but it was handled pretty badly and the zombies would get in the way of fights. Yeah, not great. Cool concept though.


Season 6's cosmetics are pretty awesome. I particularly love Calamity from the Battle Pass, the spooky scary Fortnitemares skins, Dark Bomber and Bullseye. All bangers.


Season 6 had the second-ever live event, which saw the Cube explode, destroying Loot Lake and sending us all to another dimension. Sadly my computer crashed right before it began (literally 2 minutes before), so I had to watch it on YouTube. One day I'll finally see an event live in-game, I swear.


Season 6 was a good season overall, but a downgrade from Season 5 overall. While a lot of people didn't really like this one, but I personally really enjoyed it.


I'm super excited for Season 7 in a few days and the future of Fortnite, and 2018 has been a pretty great year for the game. Let's go!


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